Custom Observable from Callback Function

I had a problem come up the other day. We had a custom JavaScript function for a vendor we were using that had a couple of callbacks in it. We try to make our application as reactive as possible and normally I would turn a callback-containing function like this into an observable using one of the observable creator functions that RxJS provides. However, with this particular function, the callbacks weren’t in the right place for the observable creators like from or bindCallback. So what to do? Write my own observable creator of course!

The function’s signature looked something like this:

someFunction(params, moreParams, successCallback, errorCallback);

As you can see, this isn’t the node callback pattern, and the params that need to be passed in blocked from being able to use from. Also couldn’t use fromEvent since these aren’t really events that you can bind to like DOM events.

A couple of things to note here, the successCallback and errorCallback signatures actually return different arguments. success only calls the callback with one argument, while the error provides three. Additionally, success will really only be called once, but error could be called multiple times.

So I took a look at how bindCallback was written and basically copied that, with a few minor adjustments.

Here’s the code:

import { Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { canReportError } from 'rxjs/internal/util/canReportError';

export function fromSomeFunction(
  callbackFunc: Function,
  params: any,
  moreParams: any
): (...args: any[]) => Observable<any> {

  return function(this: any): Observable<any> {
    const context = this;
    let subject: Subject<any>;
    return new Observable<any>((subscriber) => {
      if (!subject) {
        subject = new Subject();
        const handler = (...innerArgs: any[]) => {
 <= 1 ? innerArgs[0] : innerArgs);

        try {
          callbackFunc.apply(context, [params, moreParams, handler, handler]);
        } catch (err) {
          if (canReportError(subject)) {
          } else {
      return subject.subscribe(subscriber);
Custom Observable Creator

You’ll notice a couple of things about this. First, the function is returning another function. This allows us to specify what this should be in the observable creator. Important if the custom function is defined on an object and expects to have that object in scope. Second, we’re creating a subject, setting up a handler function, then passing that handler function into the callback function (which at this point will be the someFunction). So when the ‘callback’ gets called, it’ll have the proper context and will effectively call .next on our subject, passing along the arguments that the callback was called with. If there is only one argument provided, then we pass it through directly. If multiple arguments are provided, we pass them straight through as an array.

So now given the object

const myObject = {
 someFunction(params, moreParams, successCallback, errorCallback) {
   // do some stuff that relies on `myObject` being the context

Calling this function is going to look like this:

const boundCallback = fromSomeFunction(myObject.someFunction, params, moreParams);
boundCallback(myObject).subscribe((args) => {
 // do some stuff with the returned args

Now every time one of the callbacks is called, we get a nice stream that we can apply operators to and work with like we’re used to with RxJS.