With the recent Nazi takeover of the 🐦 site I, like many others, decided to switch to Mastodon 🐘. However, I wanted to run my own instance. So I went through a few approaches until
My wife was in the hospital recently and missed watching the birds and squirrels who visit our bird feeders. So we decided to set up a live stream she could watch while in
At my company we have a sizable Angular codebase split across two repos. This
obviously isn't ideal, so last Fall we started putting plans together to
consolidate the two into
I had a problem come up the other day. We had a custom JavaScript function for a
vendor we were using that had a couple of callbacks in it. We try to make
Last week I attended ngConf 2019 in Salt Lake City and there were two talks in
particular that stood out to me. One was this workshop